Thursday, October 31, 2019

Occupational Safety and Health Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Occupational Safety and Health Act - Essay Example The concerns that had prompted passage of this landmark law were hardly unfamiliar or new ("Act of Congress: Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970"). Accidents in America's factories and mines had ruined thousand of worker's lives. Federal statistics compiled since 1911 had also documented a growing epidemic of work-related illness and diseases. The first federal statute passed by Congress that required safety equipment in the workplace was the Safety Appliance Act which was applied only to railroad equipment. In 1910, the Congress established the federal Bureau of Mines to conduct research into the mine safety in response to a series of highly-publicized and deadly mine explosions and collapses. The broadest early federal reform measures - legislation establishing the Department of Labor in 1913 and banning exploitive child labor in 1938 - intentionally left most regulatory power over industrial working conditions with the states. The Esch Act of 1912 effectively outlawed the p roduction of white phosphorus matches, and the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act banned federal contract work done under hazardous conditions. These laws, as well as the growing number of labor unions and public anger toward poor workplace safety, led to the significant reductions in worker accidents for a time. State regulations of workplace began as part of the Progressive response to the industrial revolution during the 19th century. Early in the twentieth century, the increasing labor movement lobbied successfully for further regulation. Eventually, the federal government became involved in workplace safety during the Franklin's Roosevelt presidency. (US History Encyclopedia: Occupational Safety and Health Act). Industrial production increased significantly in the United States during World War II, and industrial accidents soared. Winning the war took precedence over safety, and most labor unions were more concerned with maintaining wages in the face of severe inflation than with workplace health and safety. After the war ended, however, workplace accident rates remained high and began to rise. In the two years preceding OSHA's enactment, 14,000 workers died each year from workplace hazards, and another 2 million were disabled or harmed. Additionally, the "chemical revolution" introduced a vast array of new chemical compounds to the manufacturing environment. The health effects of these chemicals were poorly understood, and workers received few protections against prolonged or high levels of exposure. While a few states, such as California and New York, had enacted workplace safety as well as workplace health legislation, most states had not changed their workplace protection laws since the turn of the century. Workplace Conditions Before the Passage of the OSHA In the mid - 1960's, growing awareness of the environmental impact of many chemicals, and the changes in America industry, exposed the ineffectiveness of existing state and federal laws. In 1965, the Public Health Service published an influential report that outlined some of the recently discovered technological dangers, including chemicals linked to cancer. The report called for a major national occupational health effort, criticizing existing federal law as too limited and state programs as uncoordinated and insufficient. The AFL-CIO and other labor organizations urged President Lyndon Johnson to support the report's recommendations. The Passage of

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

China and Europe during the Middle Ages Essay Example for Free

China and Europe during the Middle Ages Essay Globalisation is not new, though. For thousands of years, people and, later, corporations have been buying from and selling to each other in lands at great distances, such as through the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that connected China and Europe during the Middle Ages. Likewise, for centuries, People and corporations have invested in enterprises in other countries. In fact, many of the features of the current wave of globalisation are similar to those prevailing before the outbreak of the First World War in 1914. But policy and technological developments of the past few decades have spurred increases in cross-border trade, investment, and migration so large that many observers believe the world has entered a qualitatively new phase in its economic development. Since 1950, for example, the volume of world trade has increased by twenty times, and from just 1997 to 1999 flows of foreign investment nearly doubled, from $468 billion to $827 billion. Distinguishing this current wave of globalisation from earlier ones, author Thomas Friedman has said that today globalisation is further, faster, cheaper, and deeper. The current wave of globalisation has been driven by policies that have opened economies domestically and internationally. In the years since the Second World War, and especially during the past two decades, many governments have adopted free-market economic systems, vastly increasing their own productive potential and creating myriad new opportunities for international trade and investment. Governments have also negotiated dramatic reductions in barriers to commerce and have established international agreements to promote trade in goods, services, and investment. Taking advantage of new opportunities in foreign markets, corporations have built foreign factories and established production and marketing arrangements with foreign partners. A defining feature of globalisation, therefore, is an international industrial and financial business structure. Technology has been the other principal driver of globalisation. Advances in information technology, in particular, have dramatically transformed economic life. Information technologies have given all sorts of individual economic actors consumers, investors, businesses valuable new tools for identifying and pursuing economic opportunities, including faster and more informed analysis of economic trends around the world, easy transfers of assets, and collaboration with far-flung partners. Globalisation is deeply controversial, however. Proponents of globalisation argue that it allows poor countries and their citizens to develop economically and raise their standards of living; while opponents of globalisation claim that the creation of an unfettered international free market has benefited multinational corporations in the Western world at the expense of local enterprises, local cultures, and common people. Resistance to globalisation has therefore taken shape both at a popular and at a governmental level as people and governments try to manage the flow of capital, labour, goods, and ideas that constitute the current wave of globalisation. COCULSION: In sum, most distinctive conception sees globalisation as a fundamental transformation of human geography on the eve of the twenty-first century; world affairs have acquired a rapidly growing global dimension alongside the territorial framework of old. Of course and this point cannot be stressed too much it is not that territorial space has become wholly irrelevant in contemporary history. We live in a globalising rather than a completely globalised condition. Global spaces of the kind formed through telecommunications, transworld finance, and the like interrelate with territorial spaces, where locality, distance and borders still matter very much. Thus, for example, people have not while acquiring a global imagination discarded their affinities for particular territorial places. Similarly, global marketers have found on countless occasions that they need to tailor their products and promotions to local sensibilities. Globalisation is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and the governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well being in societies around the world. BIBLIOGRAPHY:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Issues In Intercultural Marriage

Issues In Intercultural Marriage An intercultural marriage is a union of two people involving numerous cultures and backgrounds. When two various cultures combine together, there may be significant challenges they have to face. A culture may differ from one to another due socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. Culture is a system of shared beliefs and values and is constantly evolving and changing around the world. The presence of intercultural marriages and intimacy is clear and expanding in societies throughout the Culture may consist of shared language, religion, or ethnicity. America is the one of the greatest multicultural and multiracial societies in the world at the moment. Nevertheless, this may come across as a shock to most people but as lately as 1966, 17 states in United States actually had laws against the interracial marriage and all of the states regulated marriage between whites and other races in the country. Despite of the significant number of intercultural marriages in the U.S today, mere empirical research has been done to determine the nature of these marriages (Ngye Snyder, 2000) Communication style and interpersonal relationships are fundamental aspects of culture and can vary dramatically from one culture to another. It is note worthy to remember that everyone on this earth has culture, not just those clusters that are considered civilized. The majority of culture is unseen, below the surface. For example, when a Russian man marries an Italian it is not only the differences in native language (Russian vs. Italian) and religion (Eastern Orthodox vs. Roman Catholic) but also a host of cultural differences associated with such factors as expression of emotion, conflict expression and management, the role of the f family of origin in raising children (Sullivan Cottone, 2007)The beliefs and values that lie beneath the surface can be the most difficult to change when it is necessary.(Progressive Scholar, 2010) interracial marriages are not always intercultural marriages, as in some countries, for example United States, people of different races can share the sam e cultural background. (Source Wikipedia, Last access 17th August) it is easy to comprehend why it is difficult to let go of a tradition or expectation. It isnt easy to deal with the legacy that weve all grown up with in our ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Though it seems to be a very romantic love story in the beginning but the truth is,it can be very challenging and frustrating in real life. And it is simply not about being racist, marriage has a deeper meaning to it, which dwells in understanding it, is possible to have extremely strong and natural negative feelings surrounding an interracial relationship or a marriage even though youre not consider as racist. Legal or not illegal the question is should interracial marriages been encouraged? The union between two different cultures altogether will give space to different experiences and opportunities in life, but mostly difficulties in the marriage life where it is concerned. Adoptions to a different culture altogether maybe not turn out to be an easy task. Individually ethnic and cultural variances put pressure on the marriage itself. With two diverse cultures, a family often has struggle understanding the differences between the families. Most of the time, such differences are not even recognized and unexplained. At this position an even larger problem with intercultural marriages. It is easy to look at why it is difficult to let go of a tradition or expectation.It isnt easy to deal with the legacy that weve all grown up with in our ethnic, religious and socio-economic backgrounds. Numerous cultures will consume of different marriage laws, customs and also parental disagreements which will lead into disputes. There will be lower material satisfaction, higher divorce rates due to logistics. Language barriers, different traditions and societys disapproval these factors will lead into higher failure of the marriage. Hence, a union between two cultures should not be encouraged due to the factors mentioned above. The report will consist of three major factors which are mainly focused on miss- contribution towards an inter-cultural marriage. Initially how the marriage is affected by the cultural shock, diverse of marriage laws which can lead in to disagreements plus adaptation to a various cultures and environment factors. Secondly, the societys points of view, Spouse facing discrimination due to colour and differences, if he/she is beyond the racial divide. Last point will conclude of dissipation of culture. The report contains information based on various countries and issues with diverse cultures marriages. BODY OF CONTENT ADAPTATION TO A DIFFERENT CULTURE The main intention of getting marriage is to emotionally, spiritually and physically unite a men and women together, as husband and wife, it is a commitment made in the presence of God, and is valid until death.Intercultural marriages are often influenced by external factors that can create confrontation, and disagreement in relationships. Different cultures endure vastly diverse moral, ethical and value foundations that influence their perceptions of individual, family and societal lifestyle. When these fundamentals are operating alongside the foundation of different cultural roots, as in intercultural marriages, problems and disagreement often times occur. It takes effort to combine two cultures successfully, and a willing attitude to learn from both partners. The first argument against intercultural marriages is the cultural shock (adaptation to a new culture). When considering an intercultural marriage either one of the partners have to get introduced to a new culture. Ideally both have to get use to each others cultures and laws to survive the marriage and this will create a lot of problems in the process. For an example A non Muslim marrying a Muslim will have to obey to certain laws in Islam; Islam forbids marriage between Muslim women and non-Muslim men. Therefore, any partner will have to convert and obey Islamic rules (sound vision, 2010). In the case of Muslim men marrying Jewish and Christian women, the situation is different. While Islam does allow this, Muslim men marrying Jews and Christians need to remember that living in the West, if they end up divorcing, the children will almost automatically be given to the mother. The converting process from one religion to another and adapting to new laws will create massive problems that will even end the marriage. Additional wrinkle in U.S. Muslim family law practices stems from the structure of authority in Islamic jurisprudence since there has never been an official church certifying individuals to speak on behalf of the religion, the field is open for any dedicated Muslim to seek to act as imam and lead a community (Quarishi Syed- Miller, 2001) therefore, non-Muslims have a very rare chance of wining and surviving in the marriage due to different laws in different cultural laws. Moving on,Intercultural marriages have contrasting differences between traditions and cultures. Although a few studies have looked into this aspect, cultural differences also stimulate marital conflicts particularly in intercultural marriages. In fact, the quantitative study of Takano (2002), pointed out that 19% of the marital discords in interethnic couples involved in his study are attributed to cultural differences. Couples that enter a cross-cultural marriage bring into their relationship vastly diverse assumptions and expectations about marriage and family life. Many of these assumptions flow out of the values, unspoken rules and belief systems that permeate their primary cultures. These unspoken values have become so much a part of their lives that they are almost hidden from view. For an example the way of celebrating Christmas is different in Germany rather than America (J). In fact, many of these cultural differences do not surface until after the couple is married.However, New experiences and new culture altogether may interest a adventurous spouse as its a unique onec ina life time experience and the difficulties greatly depend on how religious and culturally bond the families are. Not all think out of the box, New strange land, parents and language may cause distress in the beginning of the marriage life. One spouse will live in the country of origin and the other will be a stranger in a strange land the pleasantness mayb fall apart after sometime when trying to fit into a different family ,cuture. Marriage and customs differ from one country and to another culture .For example, Indian marriage customs are varying from marriage customs of Chinese traditions. In Japan the Japanese bride to be painted pure white from head to toe, visibly declaring her maiden status to the gods. There are two choices of headgear exist. One which is, the watabÃ…Â shi, is a white hood, the other is called the tsunokakushi, serves to hide the brides horns of jealousy. It also symbolizes the brides intention to become a gentle and obedient wife. During the period of the traditional wedding days, there would be a tilak ceremony (where the groom is anointed on his forehead), a cer emony for adorning the brides hand then cover the feet with henna (called mehendi) accompanied by Ladies Sangeet (music and dance) and many other pre-wedding ceremonies. Hence, marriage traditions, customs and beliefs may clash due to above points mentioned so far. Religion runs deeper since they practice their faith and it is a part of their cultural identity that they want to hang on to. The accurate, customs and special days associated with the religion remain significant to them. The regarding worship of the children will matter some religions deny the validity of all others and insist on conversions or demand that the children should be brought up in that religion. A couple might face difficulty in deciding on this above point and the spouse form the other religion may feel inferior and down. For example Orthodox Judaism teaches that the family must repudiate (sit shivah for) a child who marries a non-Jew: Islam demands obedience to gods law only as revealed by Muhammad, and also requires that a Muslim marry a fellow Muslim. The catholic churches until recent years insisted that a non-Catholic partner sign a prenuptial agreement to raise any catholic children. Particular Christian sects preach that all outsiders are damned to eternal fire and prohibit any marriage to people of different faith. At this specific point the problem may occur with the faith plays a major role in decision making this is if the partner is intensely religious. As they approach on each others separate territory, there is a new language, new customs and a new standard of normal to be learned. While culture a certain behavior might be accepted, here it might cause native offense. This sought of marriage is similar to a foreign alliance, with two separate people coming together and discovering the heritage and history of the other. Bibliography Ballard., (2006), The International YWAMer magazine, 6th of January 2006, issue June 2006. Berry, F (1992). Langston huges, before and beyong harlem. USA: Carol PuB.Co.Group. P56-75 Donovan, S Corbin, J (2007), Intermarriages, 5th October 2007, viewed on 16th of July 2010, Gorilgirl, (2009), Broken Traditions? Intercultural Marriage and Cultural Continuity, 13th of july 2009, Available: Last accessed on 16th of july 2010 Romano, D (2006), Intercultural marriage, prmoses and pitfalls, 8th January 2006, Available: accessed on 26th of July 2010.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Is Education Enough for the Real World? Essay -- Womens Education Argu

Is Education Enough for the Real World? Is a college education enough to prepare and teach you about life? A college education is important to prepare you for a career in a specialized field, but it cannot prepare you for the real world. Through my experience as a 23 year-old woman, I can say that I have learned more outside of school to prepare me for my future life. I have had to learn more through outside resources, family, friends, and love-interest relationships to be able to survive as a strong-minded female in today's society. As I read articles on education I was able to find two authors that shared my views about education in today's society: Adrienne Rich and Jon Spayde. In the article "What Does a Woman Need to Know?" by Adrienne Rich, Rich delivers a commencement address to female college graduates about the condition of women's education. As a writer and teacher, Rich states that "there is no women's college today which is providing young women with the education they need for survival as whole persons in a wo rld which denies women wholenesss" (qtd. in Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz 66). According to interviewer and editor Jon Spayde in the article "Learning in the Key of Life," Spayde's essay reflects that education should take place throughout a lifetime and not just through formal schooling. Both Rich and Spayde believe that education should be taken to a farther extent than just what we learn in school. Through history and culture every human being, especially women, can learn a lot about themselves and become strong-minded individuals. Adrienne Rich argues that women have been viewed as existing in the service of men, and it is only through knowledge that we can learn to overcome such a view. Rich believes tha... ...w much I have learned on my own and I am thankful for the resources and the people around me that have helped me become a self-defining human being. My own experiences have taught me to survive in the real world more than my college education. If we are just educated through college, we will not be prepared for problems that the real world confronts us with until we learn from our own experiences. Once we become street-educated we can come to survive real life experiences and learn how to deal with them. The best education can come from what we learn in our own experiences to help teach us valuable lessons about life. Through culture and humanities we can learn about others and ourselves, in order to be able to adapt to our own environment. To become successful in life, we must teach ourselves what we really want to know and obtain the answers we want in our lives.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chapter 2 Ap World History Summary

Chapter 2 AP World History Summery Each civilization faces challenges from politics to environment and everything in between. This chapter explains how each society became urbanized even though it was very tough. Nubia, China, Olmec, and Chavin are connected though each are separated by millions of miles and geological isolation. In China, dynasties rule all over the land; the Shang dynasty begins China’s history with the rise of power of it’s clans. It contains the earliest recorded writing documents, and they introduced bronze during 2000 B.C. E. The region was ran by a warrior aristocracy who loved warfare, hunting, exchanging, feasting, and wine revelry; the King of Shang always traveled for courts of his subordinates to reinforce their loyalty. Nomadic people that owned desert regions, or steppe lands were given demonstration power also. Religion in the Shang dynasty was enforced, the Kings used divination to determine the will of their ancestors and Gods to win fa vor. Nubia is located in the Nile River Valley and was over run by the Egyptians because of they have gold mines.After Egypt took charge, Nubia became Kush and adapted the Egyptian culture. Nubia decided to help local Palestine who struggled with the Assyrians in 701 B. C. E. ; this was a mistake because the Assyrians invaded and overthrown Egypt so that made a downfall for Nubia. After a while, Nubia became in control again, they still kept the Egyptian language, however Sub-Saharan culture replaced the Egyptian culture when Meroe became better suited for agriculture and trade. On the other side of the world, the Olmec civilization is completely isolated from the world.It’s located in Mesoamerica which is one of the most impressive early civilizations. The King’s Power was used to make people build large scale irrigation and drainage works, and by the 1000 B. C. E, they have become a civilization. In addition to the geological isolation, Olmec have frequent volcanic e ruptions and earth quakes, and mountains that separate the region into micro environments. Evolution developed into urbanization and appearance of powerful political and religious elites. The people were very advanced for their time; they made he calendar and based their urban centers to reflect astronomical observations. The Olmec civilization influenced the Mayans and considered the most influential earliest Mesoamerican civilization. The most impressive early Urban South American civilization is Chavin. It’s home to the most dense population. Maize increased the food supply of the coast and interior foothills, thus, allowing greater leverage for civilization. They have a form of political integration and trade dependency on it’s neighbors that may have relied on military force.Their religion was based on praising their royal ancestors and gods that can take on animal form. The most praised animal is the Jaguar; human sacrifices were made at temple platforms. These c ivilizations became very complex as they advance with technologies, science, and math mathematics. Power was taken away, and given to in each society, and some are diminishing before us. They may be separated and isolated from each other by mountains, water, and hemispheres, but that doesn't separate the development of each economic institutions politically, socially, and economically.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Intro Non-Swearing ExperimentFor this experiment I am going to be giving up swearing for three days. This means that I am not allowed to use any bad words, for an example I am not allowed to say the F bomb but I am allowed to say firkin.For one whole day I recorded how many times I swore. I learned that I swear the most when I'm with my friends and when I am frustrated. At home I will swear maybe once or twice. When I'm with my friends it really does not change my mood. Swearing doesn't make me happy or sad, I just stay the same. When I am frustrated swearing makes me feel calmer. At home it kind of slips out and I feel bad because I am around my family and we don't swear when we are around each other. During the day I think a lot about swearing but I do find that I stop myself a lot from swearing because I know it is a bad thing to do.Swearing's for Art StudentsAfter three days of not swearing.A) During the first day I wanted to swear many times. My swear count was getting close to thirty (30). By the last day I was down a significant amount, I only wanted to swear about 3-5 times a day.B) Every time I stopped myself from swearing I felt good because I knew I had self control, this makes me more confident because I know that I can apply myself to other subject other than swearing.C) My mood during this experiment has changed many times. I went into this experiment being confident, I thought that I would have control over what I wanted to say and that stopping swearing cold turkey wouldn't be a problem for me.